If you’ve already found someone in a certain section, try looking elsewhere. You’re not going to find all ten characters in one corner of the image. Folks are generally spread out throughout the scene.Of course, if they are hidden behind/under/inside something, you won’t be able to see this until you uncover them. If their hair is black, it will be black, etc. Folks will always match their image in the legend if a character is facing right in the legend, they will be facing right in the scene.(If a descriptor bubble is stuck up and blocking your view, just tap anywhere on the map to get it to go away.) You may notice something in the map that seems familiar because you read a folk’s description about it. Also, we like to look at and read all the characters’ hints before we start searching. You don’t have to find folks in the order they are listed on the legend you can jump around if you’re stuck on someone.These types of hints are very useful on larger maps, as you’ll be able to keep an eye out for not just the folk itself, but also the object of their hint. In the very first area, Explorer Garland is described as being “fascinated by the tongue of this reptile,” and he is found near an iguana with its tongue sticking out. Sometimes they may seem vague, but they always contain something valuable. The descriptions of the folks you are searching for, received by tapping individual folks in the legend at the bottom of the screen, provide hints on where to find them.We’ve compiled a complete walkthrough below, but this intro section will provide just a few tips for players who want general help with the game before checking the walkthrough directly.